Karma Spritual Astrology
Karma Spritual Astrology
Our birth charts holds the codes to our destinies.
Your personality in this lifetime, becomes your destiny.
Birth charts shows us the skills, strenghts and weakneses which we brought to this life karmicly, the way to reshape and better our lives this time in our journey. Which shows the road map to evolution of the spirit, helping us to rediscover ourselves, guidelines to what is ahead for us in our life journey, by our choices and decisions on the way of life, to live accordingly.
Karmic Birth Chart Analysis:
Birth Chart Analysis providing information on your career, health, love life, marriage, children, relationships, losses and achievements in life, etc.
As is known, all planets of the Zodiac revolve around the Sun. If we’re to think that a snapshot of the skies were taken at the very moment when you took your very first breath, positions of the planets on that snapshot constitute your birth chart. This birth chart, which is basically like a fingerprint, defines your potentials and shows the kind of experience you are here for.
The real purpose of analyzing your birth chart is to reveal your personality and even your subconscious that you aren’t aware of using this information. This will shed light to parts that have been in darkness so far and you’ll have an enlightenment, having the opportunity to understand what you have done and for what reasons you have done everything. This way, you’ll be more satisfied with your choices in life as you now know yourself better and have the opportunity of seeing the limitations of what you can do with the awareness you now have.
Relationship Analysis: This analysis touches upon many issues in interpersonal relations and may reveals compatibilities as well as incompatibilities.
One-Year Future Chart Analysis: This analysis provides the opportunity of knowing the possibilities before they occur and take measures accordingly.
Career Analysis: This analysis will enlighten you regarding issues such as promotions, changes of job, establishing a business in initiatives you may take about your career.
Information must provided by the Client:
A brief Cronological personal information and issues you would like to consult and questions in particular.
Date of birth – day, month and year (01.01.1960)
Place of birth (Vienna)
Time of birth, Example: (03:30 night or 11:00 am), providing the exact time of birth is especially important for the analysis.
Those who do not know the exact time of birth are invited to provide a 3-hour range, for instance, between 13:00 – 16:00. If the time of birth is not known, it can be found out using rectification system. In order to calculate this, dates of important events in your life and milestones will be enough.
For instance; dates of wedding, recruitments in a job or dates of birth of one’s children (in day, month and year), date of an important surgery or accident, dates of decease of your relatives, important dates in your business life (recruitment, resignation) etc.
Consultation is provided face to face, via Skype or Zoom.